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How do
I donate samples
for Saluki studies?


Your tax-deductible donations, made payable to SHR Inc, should be sent to

MaryDee Sist DVM
1629 Meech Road
Williamston, MI 48895


2009 Annual Meeting
& President's Report

The annual meeting of SHR was held at the
MSU Livestock Pavilion, E. Lansing, MI at 3:30 PM Sat. Nov. 28, 2009. Treasurer, Jim Steckley and Director, Bill Schall participated with the other members of the board available via conference call or email. Various discussions and actions included:

- Approval of the corporate records for the year June 2008 thru June 2009.

- Approval of board members and terms of office - Vicky Clarke, Linda Scanlon, Nancy Badra,
Jim Steckley and Bill Schall agreed to continue in their positions.

- Approval of the Treasurer's report for the corporate year end of June 1, 2009.

- Secretary’s report included updates to SHR’s website and providing health information when requested. Vicky Clarke has been working on redoing the web site and recommended purchasing a domain and using a new server. Pedigree analysis via updated computer software would be instituted when banked samples were forwarded for DNA analysis in future projects.

President's report, update of current projects:

-Approved SHR funding the following AKC/CHF Hemangiosarcoma research projects: Grant #1131: Genetic Background and the Angiogenic Phenotype in Cancer, Modiano

Grant #1139: Immune Targeting of Canine Hemangiosarcoma Using Canine Derived Single Chain Antibody Approach, Mason

Grant# 1355: Expression of Vascular Endothelial Markers in Canine Hemangiosarcoma and their use in Diagnostic Cytology Using Immunocytochemistry, Weber

I have had correspondence from Dr. Modiano indicating that fresh HSA samples are needed for his research and including 6 Saluki samples would be statistically significant.

- Scientific progress reports have been received for the following SHR funded AKC/CHF research projects and the lay version will be put on the website and published: Grant# 1147: Identifying Mutations in Genes Assoicated with Canine Hemangiosarcoma, Chieko Azuma Grant# 947A: Heritable and Sporadic Lesions in Canine Osteosarcoma, Matthew Breen Grant# 613: The Prognostic Significance of Chromosome Anueploidy in Canine Lymphoma, Matthew Breen Grant# 757A: Hereditary Mutations in Genes Associated with Osteosarcoma in Large Dog Breeds, Lindblad-Toh, final report of the completed study

- Approved to continue histological examination and banking of cancer samples, hopefully with paired blood samples for DNA extraction, with
Dr. Barb Steficheck.

– Approved to continue collaboration with the
Irish Greyhound researcher, Rob Shiel. Fifty non-related Saluki (AKC and COO) blood were collected at the SCOA National show, HVSC show and at coursing events. These were assayed for thyroid hormones and sent to the UK for DNA extraction and sequencing in a thyroid/ autoimmune study. Dr. Lorna Kennedy, who is working in the histocompatability - DLA region of the genome,
will be including our sample results with those of
a group of European Saluki samples examined by Dr. Hannes Lohi, a Finnish geneticist. Some of the DNA will be sent back for use in proposed projects.

Proposed Projects: I was approached by the
chief onchologist, CVM, MSU to meet with Nick Duesbery, Senior Scientist at the human Van Andel Cancer Institute, to discuss the possibility
of including the banked Saluki DNA samples in their cancer project. After meetings and much discussion, I did participate in their NIH grant application process. They recently received notification that they were awarded a $1.6 million NIH Go Grant. I am in the process of going through logs and selecting the appropriate control as well as HSA affected Salukis samples and will submit the DNA for their proposed genome wide screen in Dec. They are impressed with the number and quality (ie health history, documented histology and cause of death, pedigrees) of the samples banked. Fresh hemangiosarcoma tissue and blood samples are also needed for this research. I also met with the geneticist that will be joining them from the NIH. His background is in dog coat patterns and he approached me about a DNA project involving fur growth patterns (ie smooth vs. feathered) in Salukis. He said that once the DNA is processed, it is easily possible to look for genetic causes of other conditions, ie athletic performance, heart conditions, etc.
I suggested exploring the bald thigh syndrome and color dilution alopecia in Salukis. The Van Andel group is launching a publicity campaign and plan on sampling many dogs of many breeds. Veterinary expertise with breeder interactions would be beneficial in this endeavor. My involvement is very exciting and has been the goal of many years of my Saluki research. I had to caution them that my participation is separate from my DCPAH employment; there are constraints on my time and co-authorship will not benefit my position.

Status of publications and distribution of health information: An article titled, The Value of Diagnostics, was published in the Spring 2009 ASA Newsletter. I facilitated the publishing of CHF’s Erika Werne’s article on Hemangiosarcoma in the Summer 2009 ASA Newsletter. This issue also included an update from researches of SHR sponsored CHF Grants. CHF Grant updates were also published in SCOA Newsletters.

A poster entitled "Laboratory Survey of Autoimmune Thyroiditis and Hypothyroidism in Selected Sight Hound Breeds” was presented at the 4thAnnual Tufts’ Canine & Feline Breeding and Genetics Conference in Sept. and at the Phi Zeta Veterinary Research Day at the CVM, MSU in Oct. Dr. Robert Shiel has redone and submitted the Saluki thyroid study. This manuscript entitled "Assessment of criteria used by veterinary practitioners to diagnose hypothyroidism in sight hounds and investigation of serum thyroid hormone concentrations in healthy Salukis” has been accepted for publication in the Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association.

I was fortunate to attend the AKC/CHF Cancer Symposium in February. It was very beneficial to discuss current and proposed projects with prominent cancer researchers.

Saluki Health website, phone and email inquiries and information distribution continues.

Fund-Raising Activities: The July 2098 ASA Celebration Weekend silent auction and raffle were once again very successful. Thanks to the efforts of Chairman Cathy Chapman and her team of dedicated workers as well as the generosity of both the donors of the items and the bidders. $1151.08 was contributed to SHR.

Continued discussions need to take place on what areas of research are important to the well being of Salukis and need to be funded; as well as what fund raising efforts and distribution of Saluki related information need attention. SHR’s presence at regional as well as the SCOA National show to collect Saluki samples would be very beneficial to research efforts. I look forward to getting input from the members of the board on especially, these matters.

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